Doulas of Long Beach - Your Neighborhood Doulas

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Calling All Sleep Deprived Parents in Long Beach

There's no way to sugar coat this... YOU NEED SLEEP. A lot of it... like yesterday. 

And if you need more sleep then there’s a good chance that your baby does too!

How do we know this? Because we work with parents like you every day.

We’ve been professionally trained to new parents and to help you get the sleep you need. Every day we see you, out running errands with your baby. We see the exhaustion in your eyes. We see the emotions on your face: irritation, frustration, guilt, anger, jealousy, sadness, anxiety, and fear.

We see you struggling and we are here to help.

The weeks and months after your baby birth are HARD. And even though it’s temporary, it doesn’t make the things you feel any less real or any less challenging. We want you to know that what you’re feeling is normal… especially if you’re not getting any restorative sleep!

But just because we’re telling you this is normal, doesn’t mean it’s something you have to suffer through. Our whole reason for doing this work is to help you thrive, not just survive. And the reality is, you can’t and don’t need to do it alone. So here are some tips for you as well as your loved ones on how to help!

Things You Can Do:

  • Provide a consistent daily & nightly routine for your little one

  • Communicate to your baby and make it clear that there’s a difference between wake time and sleep time (think brightly lit rooms, music, & toys during wake times and soft lighting, less stimulation, and calming activities during sleep times)

  • Swaddle your baby tightly for sleep until he or she is able to roll

    Introduce your baby to an independent sleep space regularly (it doesn’t have to be for every sleep time, just frequently enough that baby is familiar with it)

  • Avoid letting your baby fall asleep on the breast or the bottle

  • Set up a cozy, sleep environment with blackout curtains and a sound machine.

Things Your Partner Can Do:

  • Engage in the bedtime routine and give you a break at the end of the day

  • Help with night feedings. Even if baby is breastfed your partner can change and burp the baby after the feed so you can go right back to sleep. If baby is bottle-fed have your partner take over a feeding so you can get a good 5-6 hour stretch.

  • Help out with with household tasks as often as possible. This way you can nap instead of doing laundry or cleaning up the kitchen.

Things Your Family and Friends Can Do:

  • Stick to the routine or schedule - it’s there for a reason!

  • Babysit so you can get out the house and do something for yourself or watch the baby while you nap!

  • Run errands or pitch in with the household tasks such as laundry and cooking.

  • Chip in to hire an overnight postpartum doula.

Things Your Doula Can Do:

  • Help you tune into your baby’s cues and help you create a routine around your baby’s natural sleep/wake cycles.

  • Provide overnight care that will allow you to get a full night’s sleep. She will provide compassionate care for your baby, take over night feedings, change diapers, and help your baby back to sleep after waking. Your doula is also available during the day to run errands, help with household tasks, and create consistency in your routine.

  • Once your baby is developmentally ready, we can help him or her learn how to sleep through the night, every night.

Sleep is essential for all of us. It helps your baby’s brain develop, it helps you to fight postpartum depression and anxiety, and it helps keep your immune system strong. Not to mention it’s 100% necessary for living a healthy lifestyle

Your baby needs regular restorative sleep. You and your partner do too. Investing in help early can create a strong foundation for healthy sleep habits long term. It’s something you all deserve and we can help you get there.