A Doula and Your Partner

When people talk about the postpartum period, they tend to concentrate on the mom and baby, but what about your partner? In most traditional families, the expectation is that your partner will take a week or two off work to manage the household and help things stay on track. It’s common to also expect him or her to take on the additional responsibility of caring for you so you can focus on caring for your baby. This can leave your partner feeling overwhelmed with way too many expectations, feeling overtired and unable to help in the ways that you truly need. Not to mention it can seriously interrupt bonding as a family!

That’s where we come in!

As postpartum doulas and newborn care specialists, our role is to support the entire family unit and to ensure everyone is well taken care of! So, how exactly do we work with mothers, fathers, and families in Long Beach?

One of the key ways we support partners during the postpartum period is by alleviating the pressure and expectations placed solely on them. While it's common for partners to take time off work to assist with household tasks and caregiving responsibilities, it's essential to acknowledge that they too may be experiencing their own set of challenges and emotional adjustments during the weeks and months after birth. From feelings of overwhelm to sleep deprivation, partners can often feel stretched thin, making it difficult for them to fully support you in the way they want or the way you need.

With a postpartum doula, you AND your partner can receive a holistic approach to postpartum support, which includes providing emotional support, practical assistance, and education for the whole family. We work collaboratively with partners to create a supportive environment where they feel empowered to participate actively in the caregiving process while also prioritizing their own well-being.

Our support may include:

  1. Emotional Support: We provide a safe space for partners to express their thoughts, concerns, and feelings surrounding parenthood. By offering nonjudgmental listening and validation, we can help your partner navigate the emotional rollercoaster that often accompanies the postpartum period.

  2. Practical Assistance: Whether it's helping with household chores, running errands, or preparing meals, we lighten the load for partners by taking on tasks that may be overwhelming or time-consuming. This allows your partner to focus on bonding with their baby and supporting their loved one without the added stress of managing household responsibilities.

  3. Education and Resources: We equip partners with the knowledge and skills they need to feel confident in their caregiving role. From newborn care techniques to breastfeeding support, we offer education and resources tailored to your partner’s individual needs and learning style.

  4. Self-Care Support: We emphasize the importance of self-care for partners and encourage them to find balance. Whether it's carving out time for relaxation, engaging in hobbies, or seeking support from their own network, we empower your partner to take care of themselves so they can show up fully for you and your entire family.

By providing hands-on, emotional, and practical support to you and your partner, we aim to strengthen the family unit and promote a positive transition to parenthood for all involved. It is our goal that everyone feels supported and cared for.