Holistic Postpartum Support for New Moms in Long Beach

Congratulations! If you’re here, that means you’re probably a new mom and are spending your days snuggling your sweet newborn. You’re experiencing first hand the beauty and the challenges that new motherhood brings and trying to find balance in caring for yourself and for your baby. That’s where we come in! At Doulas of Long Beach, we're dedicated to providing holistic postpartum support for new moms in the Long Beach area. From belly binding to placenta encapsulation, to sacred rituals and soothing sitz baths, our holistic approach aims to help nurture your body, mind, and spirit as you recover from birth and bond with your baby. Our team offers a variety of services to support you in your fourth trimester and we’d like to share about them so you know what’s available to you!

Belly Binding

This traditional practice, rooted in cultures worldwide, involves wrapping the abdomen with strong, yet flexible cloth to provide support and gentle compression. By promoting proper alignment and healing, belly binding can help reduce postpartum abdominal separation, commonly known as diastasis recti. Many women experience improved core strength, reduced back pain, and a quicker postpartum recovery.

Placenta Encapuslation & Tinctures

Placentophagy with capsules, tinctures, and smoothies has gained popularity among new moms seeking more natural postpartum support. Rich in nutrients, hormones, and proteins, the placenta can be transformed into supplement capsules, providing a natural source of replenishment for the body after childbirth. Potential benefits of postpartum placenta consumption, including improved mood, increased energy levels, and steady milk supply. By replenishing essential nutrients lost during childbirth and balancing hormone levels, placenta encapsulation may promote a smoother transition into motherhood, supporting emotional well-being and overall vitality.

Sacred Closing Rituals

Celebrate the end of your pregnancy journey with sacred closing rituals or “closing the bones” designed to honor your transition into motherhood. Rooted in various cultural traditions, these ceremonies symbolize the end of pregnancy and the beginning of motherhood. Through healing modalities such as massage, herbal baths, and grounding practices, these sessions facilitate emotional release, promote relaxation, and encourage a sense of closure after childbirth.Our postpartum specialists in and around Long Beach will guide you through meaningful ceremonies tailored to your beliefs and preferences.

Sitz Baths or Yoni Steams for Postpartum Healing

Sitz baths, a therapeutic tradition involving soaking the hips and buttocks in warm water. They can alleviate discomfort from perineal tears, episiotomies, and hemorrhoids—common occurrences after childbirth. Infusing the bath with healing herbs or salts enhances its therapeutic benefits, promoting blood flow, reducing inflammation, and providing relaxation amid the demands of new motherhood. Similarly, yoni steaming, an ancient practice rooted in herbal medicine, involves sitting over a pot of steaming water infused with medicinal herbs. This gentle steam bath is believed to cleanse, tone, and nourish the pelvic region, supporting postpartum healing and rejuvenation. By incorporating sitz baths and yoni steaming into your postpartum routine, you can nurture your body, ease discomfort, and cultivate a sense of well-being.

Nutritional Guidance

Nourishing your body with wholesome, nutrient-dense foods is essential for postpartum recovery, combating maternal depletion, supporting a healthy milk supply and promoting overall well-being. A balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants supports tissue repair, boosts energy levels, and enhances mood stability. By working with a holistic postpartum nutritionist, new moms can receive personalized guidance, hair and mineral testing, and meal plans tailored to their unique nutritional needs.

Hands-On Practical Support

Navigating the responsibilities of new motherhood can be incredibly overwhelming, and doing it on just a few hours sleep is even more so. By enlisting the help of a postpartum doula, family members, or friends, new moms can delegate tasks such as newborn care, light meal preparation, baby laundry, and other household chores, allowing for much-needed rest and self-care. Practical support fosters a nurturing environment where mothers can focus on their recovery and bonding with their baby.

Your postpartum recovery isn't just a few weeks of adjusting before returning to work. It actually takes 1-2 years to adjust to having a newborn. That’s why postpartum support is so important to us - because we see it as a lifeline for new moms - helping you stitch yourself back together, piece by piece, after the whirlwind of pregnancy and childbirth. With the support of a postpartum doula and recovery specialist you’ll feel the the warm embrace of someone that understands the rawness of motherhood—the tears, the scars, and the overwhelming love. These services aren't just about ticking off boxes to get you to recover faster; they're about reclaiming your body, your mind, and your spirit. They're about finding strength in vulnerability and resilience in the face of exhaustion. So, to all the new moms out there: you're not alone. You're supported, you're cherished, and you're worthy of every ounce of care and compassion. Embrace the journey, hold onto yourself fiercely, and don't hesitate to reach out for the lifeline you deserve as you navigate the beauty and chaos of postpartum life.