Our favorite prenatal & postpartum workouts in Long Beach!

Whether you are looking to stay active or searching for new & exciting spots to workout during the prenatal and the postpartum phases of your life, finding the right fit can be a challenge.

As doulas we recommend listening to your body and only participating in physical activity that honors what you need and that you feel comfortable and safe doing. This means finding fitness options that don’t push your body too far in pregnancy and early postpartum. Focusing on exercises that improve pelvic floor function and strength is a great place to start. This is why the favorites we are sharing today focus specifically on safe exercise for expecting moms or new moms. 

Here are a few topnotch options for finding fitness and community in Long Beach

FreeSpirit Yoga in Bixby Knolls has been offering Yoga classes since 2002. Fun fact, Doulas of Long Beach owner, Lauren, used to teach prenatal yoga there!! So we know first hand how great this studio is and know many of the instructors that teach there! While they used to have in-person prenatal classes, the pandemic has changed things and now FreeSpirit focuses on all-inclusive online classes. Many of the instructors have been trained to accommodate pregnancy, and they offer a variety of class types and schedules. If you’re new to yoga, we recommend opting for a beginner or gentle class and letting the instructor know you’re pregnant or just had a baby. Yoga has been found to decrease your stress and anxiety, as well as improve sleep, all things expecting or new moms need and appreciate. 

Have you been missing those Barre classes? Fit4Mom Long Beach has a great class line up, one of which is a Stroller Barre class. Fit4Mom also offers classes for pregnancy with their Fit4Baby option and a wide array of classes for postpartum. The postpartum classes connect you with a larger support network of new moms, and provide an opportunity to get outside and get fit, helping you balance the mind and body after baby. Want a high impact, cardio workout? Check out classes like Body Boost Bootcamp! Fit4Mom classes are offered in a variety of Long Beach locations like El Dorado Park, Naples, and in Lakewood at Heartwell Park.

Since many in-person workout options still haven’t returned in full force, online programs like The Sculpt Society are a viable option for many people. With online classes like these you aren’t beholden to a class schedule and can workout in the comfort of your own home. The Sculpt Society offers classes that take you through each trimester and even into postpartum. With emphasis and special focus on areas like the pelvic floor this class looks like a real win for your overall birth and postpartum recovery.

A few other easy ideas:

Did you know that Peloton has extended their line up and now also offers prenatal yoga? You can get access by downloading the app and can even opt in for the monthly app only option, so no bike needed!

Have a group of pregnant friends? Hire a personal trainer that specializes in prenatal/postpartum exercise (like Sykora Fitness) and hire them do a small group session!

The Belmont Pool has aqua aerobics and lap swim available 6 times a week. Aquatic based exercise are gentle of your growing belly and aching joints. Not to mention, it’s a great option for a workout when the times are high in the Summertime.

Whatever option you choose, finding a place where you can move your body joyfully and that encourages health through the childbearing years can only benefit you and your baby!